Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mo Hayder- you are a horrifyingly talented author!

I first learned about Mo Hayder from one of my very favorite writers, Karin Slaughter. She recommended her one day on a Facebook post so I looked on our library website and saw that the books did sound like something I would enjoy. In other words, they are twisted and dark with very messy characters!
I promptly checked out all of them that I could find and have been going through them one by one. Sometimes I read one in a day and on to the next! YAY!! I am currently on my fifth of her eight books, Gone. I had actually seen this one on the shelf at the library and thought about picking it up but after reading the jacket and seeing that it was the 5th in a series that I had never read, I put it back. Little did I know what I was missing. Thank you Ms Slaughter for straightening me out! She has three books that are not in the series but I plan on reading them all as well including the one that just came out, Hanging Hill.
Mo is a genius at plotting. She hands the reader the most horrific details that the main characters don't know. You want to shake the book and yell at them to listen to you so you can tell them what they are trying so hard to find out. She also plots far ahead from book to book. The case in the book I am reading now was slightly mentioned in two past books in such a way that you don't even realize that you are getting a hint of what's to come. Amazing!!


  1. I haven't read this author before. I will have to go see if my library has it.
    I like to read the books in order too especially if it is a new author or story line.

  2. I love when a series plots far ahead. That's when you know it's a good author! I'll try and check these out but they may be too scary for me! haha
