Friday, June 17, 2011

What are you reading this summer?

I really need suggestions!! I can't tell you how many books over the last few weeks I have started to read and gotten bored with! It's beyond desperation time for me now. I need something great! I love suspense and historical fiction and if you blend those together I am in heaven!! Somebody please save my summer!!!!


  1. Gaaaahhhhhh I wrote my comment and then forgot to enter the stupid code and it's gooonnnnnnneeeeeeeee.

    Anyways. I'm listening to 'Te Secret Between Us' by Barbara Delinsky and I like it so far. I haven't completed any of her books though so I can't recommend her yet! It's not really a genre that you like though, so I guess I'm no help...

    I'm also reading 'Change of Heart' by Jodi Picoult, but I can't remember if you like her books.

  2. Hey Steff!
    I have read all of Jodi Picoult's books! Love those. I think I have read some of Barbara Delinsky's books in the past but I can't remember them so that is not a good sign, huh?
    I appreciate any suggestions. I read a lot of genres so you never know!

  3. I didn't know you read her books! I just finished 'Change of Heart' today, and I must say, the ending bummed me out! With her other books that I've read so far, there was always big surprise after big surprise, but there was only one real big surprise. Oh well, they can't all be mindblowing. =)

    I'll have to think of some books that I've read and loved!
